System Architecture

During the development process we wanted to avoid using third party libraries wherever possible, with the only possible exception being the editor UI. A full dependency graph is below, with external libraries highlighted in red.

For a more legible view of the engine, we’ve also provided a full list of internal and external libraries and executables.

Engine LibrariesUse
Handles multiple logging levels to various output streams
Dagmar::FilesystemUtility library for tracking various important disk locations
Dagmar::PlatformDetectorUtility library for basic platform reflection
Dagmar::RendererContains wrapper classes for buffers, shaders, cameras, etc.
Dagmar::ExceptionsProvides custom exceptions for an easier debugging experience
Dagmar::AllocatorHandles some memory allocation and management
Dagmar::ModuleLifecycleEnsures the safe startup and shutdown of singletons
Dagmar::ResourcesHandles the serialisation, parsing and storage of resources
Dagmar::EngineConfigParses and stores engine configurations provided by the user
Dagmar::ECSEntity component system which manages entities in a DOD fashion
Dagmar::UIContains managers for the window, I/O, and fonts
Dagmar::GraphicsWrappers for meshes, textures, descriptors, etc.
Dagmar::ComponentsComponents used in our ECS for attachment to entities
Dagmar::SystemsSystems used in our ECS, e.g. Physics, Rendering, Lighting, etc.
Dagmar::Scene Handles the scene graph, and all operations on it
Dagmar::TimeTracks various time metrics, both relative and absolute
Dagmar::LayersHandles the dispatching of I/O events, as well as UI rendering order
Dagmar::ApplicationProvides an interface for applications to use the engine
Dagmar::VoxelManages voxel structures, mesh generations, etc.
Dagmar::ProfilerTracks memory and CPU usage of the system
Dagmar::EngineLinks all previous libraries into one interface
Common LibrariesUse
Contains the game layer which is used in both our apps
Used to compile the game from the editor
Editor LibrariesUse
Layers used solely by the editor
Loads resources solely required by the editor at startup
Dagmar::Editor::ApplicationWraps the whole editor application
Dagmar::EditorMain function entry point
Game LibrariesUse
Layers used solely by the game
Loads resources required by the game
Dagmar::Game::ApplicationWraps the whole game application
Dagmar::GameMain function entry point